Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dont Forget The Birds This Winter

Writen by Briscoe White

Don't forget the birds this winter. It is cold, and not every species has flown south. In fact, your yard is full of birds foraging constantly to survive the winter months. You can really help by keeping feeders constantly full, and have the benefit of a yard full. I keep a few close to windows, and am constantly entertained. A few things to keep in mind about feeding birds:

Place a new feeder near an old one. Keep both full unti the birds become used to the new one, and begin to feed from it.

It is important to keep the feeders clean. In fact, it is vital to the health of the birds. Old seed which has rotted can make the birds sick. Every 3 – 4 weekds, allow the feeder to empy, shake out any excess seed and then rinse with warm water and mild soap.

Place feeders 6 – 7 feet from any tree or railing to keep the squirrels away. I don't take my own advice, but I have made peace with the squirrels long ago. Gracie, my 11 year old mutt, spends her day working the squirrel population, and that helps!

Feeders should go up on Labor Day and taken down in June. There should be enough natural food available to sustain the birds during those months.

Birds do need water all year round, and a bird bath is a welcome treat in the hot months, and water during a freeze is vital.

In 1985, Briscoe White opened The Growers Exchange in an abandoned Texaco station on a busy urban street corner in Richmond, Virginia. The facility has grown over the years, and is now 5 distinct growing environments with 5 acres under cover. Briscoe has over 25 years of flower gardening experience. For further information on gardening products or gardening tips please contact Briscoe White at

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