To send a dozen roses is to express great love and a sense of commitement to that special someone. When sending a dozen roses, all twelve roses can be of the same color, a mix of two contrast colors or multicolored. Together in a bunch, twelve roses form a beautiful bouquet. It has become a standard to send a dozen roses for that distinctive feeling.
Sending a particular number of roses also has some meaning attached to it. A single rose is a symbol of simplicity, while sending two roses joined together indicates engagement. And sending a dozen roses seems to be the ultimate declaration of love. It becomes more significant when they are deep red. A dozen red roses are associated with romance! No wonder so many florists offer exceptional bouquets made of exactly a dozen roses, to send to your sweetheart. And if you wish to stress your point even more, you could send a few of these dozen roses' bouquets.
Sending a dozen roses often comes with special offers as well. Roses by the dozen are cheaper than single roses. They are traditionally bound together with a string and covered with a cellophane sheet. It is quite easy to locate a bouquet of roses at your nearby florist or on the Internet. Whether you are buying one or a dozen, do check that they are fresh, fragrant and appealing so that they can convey your feelings correctly. And adding a loving note to them will enhance the beauty of the roses.
Send Roses provides detailed information on Send Roses, Send Roses Online, Send Roses Cheap, Send A Dozen Roses and more. Send Roses is affiliated with Dutch Tulips. |
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